This evening we went to the Peace Cinema at People Square. Saw Mission Impossible 4, it was really good even though action isn't our number one genre of movies. We had M.I. or Journey 2 as option, M.I. felt like a good choice! It had some funny moments and the swedish actor Michael Nyqvist from "Män som hatar kvinnor" was playing the "bad boy". We didn't get the Russian parts because the subtitles were in Chinese but we did understand the swedish part, hihi! (I guess everyone did because they translated that to English and had sub in chinese... aw!)

Tomorrow we are going to Xi'an (wiiie, the terracotta warriors) and it will almost take as long as it did when we got here in Shanghai. Let's hope that it will be as comfy and that this time people will know how to use the flush button!


shopping on hong kong island

today we both bought new coats!

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